kalina ntampiza
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Gün: women's networks
athens, 9-10 november 2013

participation in a two-day workshop around the notion of “Home” in our era, in relation to the contemporary context of Greece*

the workshop extends research initiated by the curators during ISEA Istanbul 2011. There, a number of Turkish women active in media convened to facilitate a “gün”, as the basis of a new kind of cultural exchange, taking into consideration both social and technological networks. In Athens, participants worked together to create an online publication, as a continuation of this cultural exchange

in the above context, "Modern Shrines", a series of photographs, were produced by Kalina Ntampiza during the workshop

the series deals with the notion of the domestic "genius loci" or the spirit of the house, and its contemporary manifestations in our modern home/s. Traditional home shrines, mostly religious-oriented, exist in different cultures, enhancing our sense of belonging and identity in the special place we call HOME.The rise of digital technology and the Internet and the absence of locus in many contemporary homes, lead to its transposition, due to the artist, to the digital artefacts that populate our domestic life and constitute our "Modern Shrines"

wake up and pray

work and pray

eat and pray

pray and exit

*the workshop took place at FROWN and was co-ordinated by Arzu Ozkal and Claudia Pederson, in the framework of Home/s – An exhibition of ArtUP! Media Art in Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey at Benaki Museum Athens, curated by Daphne Dragona and Katerina Gkoutziouli, organised by Goethe-Institut Athen