kalina ntampiza
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"semiotics and genre", early fall school of semiotics
10-16 September, 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria

presented "Social Semiotics of Urban Space", at the early fall school of semiotics, held under the general theme "Semiotics and Genre"
authors team: Vasiliki Masen, Kalina Ntampiza, Christina Papadopoulou and Paraskevi Zerva


the presentation included four case studies with interviews and mental maps regarding the image of the city of Thessaloniki, in Greece. Linguistic content analysis with statistical processing of the quantitative elements, as well as analysis of the semiology of the mental maps, were carried out for each case study
the research was executed as part of the university course "Social semiotics of urban and peri-urban space", taught by professor Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos, in AUTH school of architecture

visit the EFFS, early fall school of semiotics website here